COVID-19 Safety Protocols
Following guidelines from WorkSafeBC and Fraser Health, we have added to our already very rigorous hygiene routines. Safety is paramount to us and we want to ensure our clients and team feel comfortable and very safe.
In preparation for your appointment, please take note of the following updates:
Prior to your appointment, you will be required to complete a mandatory COVID-19 Pre-screening questionnaire about your health. If you answer yes to any of the questions below, your appointment will need to be re-scheduled.
COVID-19 Pre-screening questionnaire:
COVID-19 Pre-screening questionnaire:
* Have you had any symptoms of COVID-19?
(Symptoms include fever, chills, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of taste of smell, vomiting or diarrhea, and new muscle aches or headaches.)
(Symptoms include fever, chills, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of taste of smell, vomiting or diarrhea, and new muscle aches or headaches.)
*Are you waiting for the results of a laboratory test for the novel coronavirus?
*Have you been around anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19?
*Have you been out of Canada in the last 14days?
*Have you been around anyone that has been out of Canada in the last 14 days?
*Have you been to any large gatherings where social distancing was not observed.
* I confirm that I am not currently positive for the novel coronavirus.
* I understand that the BC Centre for Disease Control has asked individuals to maintain physical distancing of at least 2 meters (6 feet) and that it is not possible to maintain this distance and receive aesthetic medicine treatment.
Ensuring Social Distancing:
* Please arrive on time wearing a mask. (There will be no waiting room area)
* Clients should arrive alone (i.e., no children, friends or family accompaniment).
*Temperature will be taken – anyone with a temperature of more than 38C will be asked to reschedule the appointment
* When you arrive for your appointment please call us from your vehicle and we will instruct you when to come to the door and provide you with hand sanitizer upon entering the premises.
*We ask you to arrive without make-up if you are having a face treatment (including lip stick or balms) and please have your hair tied back.
*We will be practicing social distance all throughout and where a 2 metre distance cannot be maintained we will take extra safety measures wearing the necessary PPE as per the Public Health Guidelines.
* For retail-only sales, (all products are sanitized) we arrange in advance and schedule a pick-up time to avoid overlapping of service clients, or checking in or out for services.
*We have a strict cleaning & sanitization schedule mandatory between clients & throughout the day.
* Sanitize your hands upon entering the clinic, and when leaving.
* Sanitize your hands upon entering the clinic, and when leaving.
* We advise you to use the bathroom at your home prior to attending.
We look forward to seeing you!
Thank you for your patience and understanding. XO